The Golden Scales: A Makana Mystery book download

Parker Bilal
The Golden Scales by Parker Bilal | His Futile Preoccupations or . I thought Makana ;s backstory was the most interesting aspect, and the best written, of the novel ; and the place itself is perfect for private eye fiction. BARNES & NOBLE | The Golden Scales: A Makana Mystery by Parker. It ;s really a personal taste thing; for me, Makana and Cairo balanced out my usual distaste for thrillers and I ;ll definitely be looking for the next book in the series. Review of The Golden Scales by Parker Bilal (Bloomsbury, 2012) The Golden Scales has all the ingredients of a good crime thriller - colourful, engaging characters, a strong sense of place, social context and politics, a tangled knot of competing interests and intrigue, and well written prose. Book Review : The Golden Scales - FridayNirvana Book Review : The Golden Scales . Bookmark the permalink. Move on over to the Mystery section and you ;ll find " The Golden Scales: A Makana Mystery ," by Parker Bilal, "A Cold and Lonely Place," by Sara Henry, or "The Golden Calf," by Helene Tursten. A Brief Summary: The ancient city of Cairo is a feverish tangle of the old and the new, of the super rich and the . Publisher : Bloomsbury Source : NetGalley/Publisher ARC . Former police inspector Makana , in exile from his native Sudan, lives on a rickety Nile houseboat in Cairo, scratching out a living as a private investigator. When he receives a call from the notorious and powerful . Series: Makana Year of Publication: 2012. The Golden Scales – Noir in Modern Egypt | Tethered to the . February 20, 2012. . What were three works of art – book or painting or piece of music, etc – you can now say, had a great effect on you and influenced your own development as a writer? The Golden Scales by Parker Bilal (thoughts) | A Striped Armchair The Golden Scales by Parker Bilal (thoughts). Best Books of 2012 - FridayNirvana The Golden Scales: A Makana Mystery - The Golden Scales by Parker Bilal : Set in Egypt, this mystery novel features Makana , a Sudanese policeman who ;s escaping his past and finding refuge on an awama – a houseboat – on the Nile.Parker Bilal, author of The Golden Scales , answers Ten Terrifying . Edoardo Sanguineti - Cultura e realtà (RePost) | Free eBooks . Makana , a political refugee, just barely manages to eke out a living while haunted by memories of his past life as a Sudanese police inspector.Detectives Beyond Borders: A quibble about The Golden Scales I ;d guessed that The Golden Scales , by Parker Bilal (nom de plume of Jamal Mahjoub), had been translated from Arabic and that tin-eared rendering was responsible for some of the clunky prose in the book ;s prologue. They have this . In this fresh, absorbing Egyptian mystery, Makana, a former Sudanese police inspector forced to flee to Cairo, is now struggling to make ends meet as a private detective. By: Parker Bilal: Published: 02-05-2013 Format: Paperback RRP. Nope, this is definitely a kind of . Bill Cameron is the winner of The Spotted Owl Award for County Line, the fourth book in his series which features irascible Portland homicide cop Skin Kadash. So great setting, great people we are half way to reading happiness right? To finish this book off on the plus side there is also . The Golden Scales is the first of a detective series featuring Makana and this is one reader who looks forward to my next visit to Egypt, with our without pyramids. The Golden Scales. Slightly disappointed overall, but I ;m curious to
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